When I switched back to my Mac, things were working smoothly, when I moved back to my Windows Vista laptop on which I was preparing for the demo, I was getting the same warning and no coverage results.

I tried to run the target from ant with verbose on and it displayed the warning message saying:
[cobertura-instrument] WARN visitEnd, No line number information found for class com.stelligent.demo.CustomerInfo.
Perhaps you need to compile with debug=true?
[cobertura-instrument] WARN visitEnd, No line number information found for class com.stelligent.demo.StringToDate.
Perhaps you need to compile with debug=true?
Looked at the javac task at the Ant website, added a few more options and it worked like a charm. I have no clue why this happens on Vista, is it because I am using Java 6 here and Mc uses Java 5? Go figure.
The changes I added was as such for the javac task:
debug="true" debuglevel="vars,lines,source"