Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Visual Documentation of Ant Dependencies in 3 Simple Steps

Last Friday, I wrote a blog entry at testearly.com about how to create visual representation of ant target dependencies using Grand and Vizant called "Visual Documentation of Ant Dependencies in 3 Simple Steps".

I was having trouble looking at build files generated automagically by one IDE. I like automation, but not which comes with magic. So, I tried using these two tools to generate the dot file and in turn open them using Graphviz. Graphviz is required to get the actual graph from this dot file which is generated by Grand and Vizant. Once you download and install Graphviz, you can run it as a standalone application and open these dot files generated as well.

Can you guess what IDE I was using? :)

Here is the link again for the blog at testearly:

1. Visual Documentation of Ant Dependencies in 3 simple steps.


  1. hi meera,

    IDE : Netbeans 6.1 ?


  2. hi meera,

    idea : netbeans 6.1 ???


  3. Cool blog you got here. It would be great to read a bit more about this matter.
    BTW check the design I've made myself A level escorts
