Monday, September 24, 2012

Packt Publishing Publishes 1000 Titles

I have read  and reviewed several books from Packt Publishing. I read several books and reading books from various publishers definitely brings variety.

Packt would like you to join them in celebrating this milestone with a surprise gift. Revisit Packt’s website between the 28th and 30th of September to redeem your gift, or sign up for an account with us now to receive a notification email.

Packt supports many of the Open Source projects covered by its books through a project royalty donation, which has contributed over $400,000 to Open Source projects. As part of the 1000th book celebration Packt is allocating $30,000 to share between projects and authors.

If you are interested in  reading books, go ahead and signup and get a surprise gift. It maybe a book which you always wanted to read.

Check out all the details from Packt at their website :