Friday, January 18, 2008

Which one do you prefer; Liferay or JBoss Portal?

The book "JBoss in Action" has 2 chapters dedicated to JBoss Portal.The book covers JBoss Portal 2.6.1 running in JBoss Application Server 4.2.1. I haven't yet downloaded and tried this version.

But, I had tried Liferay 4.0 and JBoss 2.4 in early 2007 at work. We found Liferay more user friendly than JBoss; especially while using the Management Portlet. We finally scraped the idea of using Portals since there was indeed a huge learning curve.

Both of these complies with JSR 168.

With several releases from both these vendors, I am curious to know which one you would prefer.

Liferay or JBoss, which one are you using?

Thanks to all those who commenetd. The links you added(and the ones I added) were not displayed properly. So, I have added them here as well for your convenience.
1. InfoWorld - Comparision of Liferay and JBoss portal
2. JBoss Portal Presentation
3. Creating new Themes in Liferay


  1. We are using Liferay. It has hundreds of free portlets. The support and forums are also a wonderful place to quickly find out many things.

  2. Hi Meera,
    Here is an article which compares Liferay and JBoss Portal. It compares older versions than available right now, but it does give a pretty good picture.
    Check it out.

  3. Thanks. After researching a little more, I did find a presentation online by Roy Russ, JBoss Portal Co-Founder & Developer here.
    It is a tough choice which one to choose.

  4. And here is another article which shows how to create a new Theme in Liferay.
